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Minister Bruton welcomes further fall in monthly unemployment figures    

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today welcomed the latest monthly unemployment statistics from the Central Statistics Office, showing that the official unemployment rate has fallen from 8.8% in February to 8.6 % in March.

The statistics also show:

·        On a seasonally adjusted basis, 2,900 fewer people were unemployed in March compared to February

·        23,400 fewer people were unemployed in March compared with twelve months earlier

·        Unemployment among people aged between 15-24 has fallen by a full percentage point in a month

Minister Bruton commented:

“At the core of everything we are trying to do is to build a strong economy so as to deliver a strong society. Only by delivering a strong economy can we provide the opportunity to deliver measures to support the creation of a better society.

“In recent years we have seen major progress in the jobs market, with the unemployment rate falling from over 15% to below 9%. It is hugely encouraging that the numbers of people unemployed continue to fall steadily, particularly as given that traditionally it becomes more difficult to convert increased job-creation into reduced unemployment.

“However at 187,700, there are still far too many people unemployed, and we must redouble our efforts to continue the progress on job-creation and reduced unemployment, and to ensure that it impacts on people in every part of the country. With major risks on the horizon, including Brexit and turmoil in the Middle East, it will be only with careful implementation of a solid plan that we will see continued progress on job-creation”.